In this course students will be introduced to the world of writing stories, understanding stylistic devices and reading a classic work of fiction to help them better understand what makes a good story. The students will be brought through the parts of the story and learn how to write stories that include the stylistic devices that make a good story. They will also learn the grammatical rules that are imperative to good storytelling. Students will learn how to edit their own work and be exposed to a variety of story styles from flash fiction to fables. Students will be asked to complete in class writing assignments and share their writing.

Level 01

In this course students will be introduced to the world of writing stories, understanding stylistic devices and reading a classic work of fiction to help them better understand what makes a good story. The students will be brought through the parts of the story and learn how to write stories that include the stylistic devices that make a good story. They will also learn the grammatical rules that are imperative to good storytelling. Students will learn how to edit their own work and be exposed to a variety of story styles from flash fiction to fables. Students will be asked to complete in class writing assignments and share their writing.

Level 02

In this course students will be introduced to the concept of genre and read stories from fairy tales, to myths to realistic fiction. Throughout the course students will read and analyze Alice in Wonderland using the writing of Lewis Carrol to help them better understand how to be effective story tellers. Students will learn story structure, character development and setting description. They will also look at writing non fiction in an entertaining way and telling their own stories. In each class the students will be given writing assignments to complete within the class time and also be given homework assignments. Grammar will be a fundamental part of the course teaching students how to employ verbs and adjectives to tell compelling stories.

Level 03

In our intermediate course students are introduced to story beats and story analysis. To be a good writer means to be a good reader and as such students will read excerpts from various short stories that will help underline the lessons being taught. More advanced concepts and devices will be taught from effectively using metaphor, to developing character backstory. Students will also study poetry in this term to help them with their understanding of pacing and rhythm in writing. Each class will include an introduction to a new concept, in class writing assignments and assigned homework.

Level 04

In this term intermediate students will be introduced to the three act structure and concepts from the first term are expanded on. Dialogue types from direct to indirect are explored. They will learn how to create atmosphere and emotion in their writing. The students will study playwriting in this term discovering the difference between writing narrative fiction and writing a script. Towards the end of the term students will be brought through the process of crafting a short story from plotting, to character development, to world building, to completion.

Level 05

In this course students will be exposed to advanced concepts such as creating tension through dialogue and creating a distinctive narrative voice. Students will be given time in class to write putting into practice the concepts they are introduced to. In this advanced class students will learn when they can break the rules of grammar to create character voice. They will learn to write beat sheets to plan their stories. They will also be exposed to writing poetry and screenplays alongside short stories. The differences between the writing forms will be discussed and explored. Each class will include in class writing assignments and a new topic building on their writing knowledge.

Level 06

In this term students will be exploring some of the classic story structures starting with the hero’s journey. They will be introduced to the concept of tropes, when to use them and when to subvert them. Students will learn about theme as both a writer and a reader and begin to introduce it into their own writing and know how to find it when reading. Students will be given tools to plot out their stories and learn the mechanics of writing a satisfying ending. In each class students will be given in class writing assignments to further their understanding of the concepts being taught and will have one longer form story that will be developed in class.